Community Outreach
We actively support a number of Outreach Programmes both at home and abroad, and allocate a percentage of our direct giving income to specific charities on an annual basis. We also have special collections as necessary to boost the aid available for crisis appeals, such as in the wake of natural disasters.
To learn more about these good causes, or if you feel you can assist these projects in any way, visit their websites below or contact the Rector.
The Bishops' Appeal is the Church of Ireland's main world aid and development programme. It channels funds through development agencies, such as Christian Aid and Tear Fund, who are already in place in areas of need.
The Church Missionary Society Ireland facilitates two-way relationships between the church in Ireland and its global partners in Africa and Nepal. Through these partnerships and through engagement with churches and individuals in Ireland, CMS seeks to equip the Church in mission, so that lives and communities continue to be transformed.
The Leprosy Mission partners, in the name of Christ, with individuals and communities affected by leprosy and other similar conditions, to share resources and expertise, and to empower them to provide for their physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual needs.
The POS Children's Education Fund assists students in difficult circumstances to continue their education.
The Diocesan Board of Education manages schools and other educational resources.
Protestant Aid was established over 175 years ago to relieve the horrors of poverty and deprivation in the Republic of Ireland on a strictly non-denominational basis, and treats all genuine calls for help equally, regardless of religious, ethnic or social backgrounds.
The Mission to Seafarers chaplains and volunteers offer practical, emotional, and spiritual support to seafarers through ship visits, drop-in centres and a range of welfare and emergency support services.
The Country Air Association provides respite funds for people in need, such as short breaks for carers.
The Church's Ministry of Healing has regular services and other resources for people in need of healing.
Miss Carr's Children's Home provides support services to children and their families.
World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of Christians joining together to observe a common day of informed prayer and prayerful action each year.
Saint Francis Hospice provides specialist palliative care to patients, and offers supportive services to patients, their families and friends, and their carers.
The Irish Cancer Society aims to improve the lives of people affected by cancer, by providing up to date information and a range of services, and by influencing change and raising awareness of cancer issues.
The Friends of Saint Luke's Cancer Research works towards a cure for cancer through funding scientific studies.